Télécharger Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

June 26, 2014

Télécharger Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

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Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

Télécharger Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

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Aimer ce livre signifie aimer votre passe-temps. La lecture de cette publication vous proposera certainement de premier plan la qualité supérieure de la vie pour être beaucoup mieux. Mieux au point al n'a pas pu être accompli dans d'autres temps de mots. Mais, ce livre vous aidera à améliorer toujours la gentillesse et aussi l'esprit de vie bien meilleure. Lors de la recherche du Practical Electronics For Inventors, By Paul Scherz Simon Monk pour télécharger, vous ne pouvez pas négliger cela. Vous devez obtenir actuellement ainsi que lire plus rapide. Plus vous lisez ce livre, plus tôt vous serez beaucoup plus de succès de précédent! Ceci est votre sélection aussi bien que nous considérons toujours!

Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 1056 pages

Editeur : McGraw-Hill Education; Édition : 4th edition (24 mars 2016)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1259587541

ISBN-13: 978-1259587542

Dimensions du produit:

21,6 x 4,7 x 27,4 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

4.2 étoiles sur 5

3 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

71.379 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Un excellent ouvrage, en anglais, qui couvre toutes les bases de l'électronique. On peut l'utiliser comme référence même sans bases préalables, ou au contraire approfondir (ou revoir) ses connaissances. Tout y est ou presque. Je suis personnellement intéressé par l’automatisation et la robotique et les informations de ce livre m’ont permis de comprendre, et concevoir, des éventuelles interfaces matérielles aux noyaux logiciels qui m’étaient plus familiers. A chaudement recommander.

J'ai découvert ce livre par hasard en le téléchargeant d'abord sur la Library Genesis.J'ai trouvé le pdf de ce bouquin tellement bien illustré et tellement bien écrit que j'ai acheté sa version papier.Franchement, 38 € pour un ouvrage de ce type c'est carrément donné.Simon Monk est une référence en la matière (nombreux ouvrages sur l'Arduino) Tout ceux qui s’intéressent à l’électronique "de terrain" vont y trouver leur compte. la partie théorique et aussi bien abordée que la partie pratique. Si vous voulez savoir ce qui se passe dans un fil électrique ou comment monter un 741 ce livre est fait pour vous. Attention comme on peut s'y attendre, cet ouvrage est en anglais.

C'est peut-être une mauvaise interprétation de ma part mais ce livre n'est absolument un guide pratique pour démarrer l'électronique et prototype rapidement. Il s'agit en fait d'un livre ultra théorique et au demeurant très complet sur l'électronique. Bref, une brique de théorie à garder à portée de main comme ouvrage de référence mais pas du tout un guide pratique sur l'électronique appliquée.Le titre m'a au départ fait pensé à un livre passant en revue les principes essentiels des divers domaines de l'électronique afin de démarrer au plus vite le prototypage d'appareils (Pratical electronic for INVENTORS). Mais il n'en n'est rien, ce livre sera soporifique pour un débutant et rapidement mis au tiroir par la quasi totale absence de pratique. Il est plutôt recommandé (à mon sens) à un public ayant déjà des bases en électronique et souhaitant avoir un ouvrage de référence qui va au fond des choses (la physique) des composants et phénomènes électroniques.Bref, bon bouquin mais le titre prête fortement à confusion je trouve.

For a little background, I own a previous paperback edition of this book from years ago which is buried in storage. As I look into making several projects now that my 3D printer build is complete, I find myself in need of a refresher. I was overjoyed to see a new edition of this book had been released and was available on kindle. Now 20 minutes and 14 pages into the book I've given up and will be buying the paperback edition. In those first 14 pages I encountered 2 places where example calculations should have been displayed and an instance where the symbol for a battery was to be shown. All three situations just had a blank space with references in the text to the missing information the only indication that something was missing . As a result it's not worth my time to continue since I'm not willing to deal with the frustration of this which I assume will continue through out the text.It's a shame too, since I thought the index was well laid out, liked the hot links within the text that take you to other referenced sections of the book and know that the content of the paper edition is probably outstanding. Thank goodness that Prime will get the physical book to me quickly.04/20/16 Edit: I've raised the rating of this book from 1 to 3 since I received the physical edition of the book which is awsome and I realize the 1 rating was a little harsh. That being said, I firmly believe that if you are going to publish a kindle edition of a nonfiction book, it must be identical to the physical edition. Someone purchasing the kindle edition should be able to receive the exact same information in a kindle edition as in a physical edition. If you can't publish a book like that, I don't think it should be published as a kindle at all.I've also added a couple of images from the physical and the kindle edition of the book to illustrate the issue that I'm talking about.

This is probably the only book on electronics that you need. Really you could probably learn all of this on the web, but this puts a summary of everything all in one place. In some sense it's like an electronics textbook, but it's better than that because it's much more howto-oriented. And for $20 or so it's an amazing deal.My main complaint is that the chapter on theory is a bit weak in making the math comprehensible. The main problem there is that in some places a new formula is introduced that uses a variable such as Q but Q is never defined. If I were writing this then I would create a callout box every time a new formula was mentioned that clearly spelled out what each variable is even if it seems redundant. For example: "Ohm's Law: V=IR. V=Voltage (Electromotive Force) in Volts, I=Current In Amps, R=Resistance in Ohms. I depends on V and R." And do that for every single one. This would make it much more useful for reference when you need to look up a formula and can't remember what Q is supposed to mean.But the main point of this book is the non-theoretical information that it provides. For example, the real world models of various components like capacitors and wires and how they look in schematic form when stray inductance and leakage current resistance are added. Also, the chapter which is almost like a rewrite of the theory chapter but with most of the theory replaced with the details of various types of real world components that you usually don't think about (such as different resistor and capacitor technologies) is extremely useful. Most of these little details tend to get left out of things like textbooks, perhaps based on the thinking that they're too irrelevant.Though I wish some of the math stuff had been handled better, anyone trying to build electronics in the real world should buy this book. After buying this I really don't feel like I need any other book.Lastly, some reviewers mentioned the thin paper. I didn't find that to be a problem. I used to buy some "low cost developing world editions" of books that were printed on paper not much better than newsprint and this book has much better material quality for not much more money than a comparable low cost developing world edition of a textbook.

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Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz Simon Monk PDF
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